Baskerville ultra
Baskerville ultra

baskerville ultra

The Baskerville Ultra is a fantastic starter muzzle. If you want to read more into these and how I’m structuring these scoring points? Check out 9 Considerations To Make When Buying A Muzzle For Your Dog In short… Airflow – the ability to breath is … not really an option is it? But some designs can be more restrictive than others. Treat Delivery – It’s important as a part of training that we can deliver treats to our pups! Mouth Movement – the ability to pant, drink and vomit is critical when looking at muzzles for safety reasons. Robustness – is the muzzle able to take a hit? Is it brittle? Is your dog likely to chew through it? Security – Can it be slipped easily? Is it secure? Or is it likely to fail you? High stars means it’s secure! Weight – Is it heavy? Ideally we want it to be lightweight so that we can intrude upon our dogs in a minimal fashion. Comfort – Whilst I can’t ask my testers (Aka Indie!) how comfortable it is, I can get an idea of how comfortable it is for him. Bite-Proofness – Surprisingly, not all muzzles are biteproof! This is a way to show you how secure the muzzle is if your dog is a bite-risk.


If you need a guide on how to accurately fit a muzzle for your dog? This is a wonderful guide! Value – Not all muzzles are made equal, this metric is to describe how valuable these muzzles are vs others in their price point. These are all things there important to consider in a well fitted muzzle.

Baskerville ultra